At one time or another, we have set at least one “lofty”, some would say ambitious, goal. Whether it was to run, walk (or in my case) just finish a triathlon, or lose 20 pounds for a family vacation, or just to fit into an old pair of your favorite jeans, we’ve all been there.
Needless to say, finding that “perfect” workout routine to help you reach and achieve that fitness goal is nearly impossible! You know what I’m talking about – it burns calories, tones your muscles, builds strength, increases your flexibility, improves cardio, reduces your body fat, all at once. To make things even more complex, you need equipment – a complete set of weights, multiple attachments, several elastic resistance bands, Kettlebells, a treadmill or stationary bike, and a few other functional training tools. That’s it!
Or, maybe all you need is a TRX Suspension Trainer and ticket to one of our LIVE, Virtual or Digital training courses.
2020 – although professionally challenging – provided opportunities for trainers and coaches to evolve. At TRX, it gave us a chance to do the same. We hit the pause button on our education and looked closely at our products, programs, certifications, and qualifications. We had to reimagine the future of fitness and launched several new and innovative solutions for trainers and coaches.
We had 1 goal – Meet trainers where they’re at – both literally and figuratively. We created a LIVE and Virtual education solution that enabled trainers to take our education from the comfort [and safety] of their own home. We also launched a Virtual Training Course (VTC) that teaches trainers how to successfully run an online personal training business – from coaching, cueing, and selling in a virtual environment to camera angles, lighting, and setting up your space. Trainers would have to shift from in-person training to virtual – and they both needed a fitness solution to upskill and deliver world-class training. VTC and STC Virtual were our solutions.
We also created the TRX Workshop Series – which are low-price 90-min education courses that are LIVE-Virtual and interactive. Students can log on from anywhere and receive coaching and instruction from our Sr. TRX Course Instructors. The Workshop Series has 4 options – TRX for Golf, Suspension Training, RIP Trainer, and Kettlebells. We encourage 2 way verbal and visual communication from all of our attendees to replicate that LIVE and in-person training experience.
We launched our “new” education (VTC, STC, Workshop Series) to help trainers and coaches increase their value, add tools to their fitness toolbelt and most importantly to increase their confidence when working with clients. I truly believe that fitness is a journey and confidence is the destination – especially for trainers. Confidence in coaching. Confidence in cueing. Confidence in asking for money for services. Confidence in program design.
Just as versatile as TRX is to the fitness community with its portability, dependability, and accessibility, so too are our TRX trainers. We have concluded that trainers who have a diverse skillset within our TRX ecosphere will have a higher likelihood to get booked for recurring sessions – and that’s good news to everyone.
With our partnership with canfitpro, we are excited to welcome trainers, coaches, and instructors into our education lifecycle. With LIVE, Virtual and Digital options, we’re certain your clients who have goals – similar to the ones we spoke about earlier – can reach and achieve each and every one of them… even better—- as a valued member of canfitpro you also have an exclusive discount Check it out