It’s easy to start a personal training business, but are you really putting yourself and the business out there? Are you fighting for every client? Rebecca Gray has built her business from scratch and is sharing the lessons she’s learned along the way. Personal training CAN be your primary job! Go get it!
1:00 – Rebecca’s fitness journey
1:30 – How you can define your ideal client
2:00 – Why you shouldn’t turn away clients
3:00 – Where to find clients
4:00 – The best way you can promote your business as a personal trainer
6:00 – The biggest difference between working for a gym and working for yourself
7:00 – The biggest surprise Rebecca had when she started her own business
8:00 – The biggest ongoing expenses you need to consider, including one hidden expense
10:00 – When you should make the switch to being a full-time personal trainer
11:00 – The surprising thing Rebecca wishes she knew when she started working for yourself
Catch her thrilling sessions at canfitpro Montreal – Building Your Personal Training Business and The Evolution of Personal Training.