Try this for a mid morning or afternoon snack. Good source of carbohydrates, gluten free, and low in sugar it is the perfect combination of ingredients to indulge and stay in control of your waistline.
Oats are rich in thiamine which converts carbohydrates into energy. Thiamine helps maintain a healthy nervous system, and takes care of your brain and heart.
Oats are rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, and manganese which all help you stay healthy and strong.
Berries are a great source of anti-oxidants, which help you stay young and healthy.
½ cup Oats (gluten free)
¼ cup Buckwheat Flour
¼ cup Millet Flour
1-2 cups Water
¼ cup Frozen Berries
8 Egg Whites
Optional: 1 Jar Apple Sauce Baby Food OR 250 ml of regular apple sauce
Mix flours, oats and water. Add berries, and if desired, apple sauce. I found that without the apple sauce this “cake” is not as sweet, so go with your preference. Pour the batter into a non-stick baking pan and cook at 350 °F for 45-60 min. Remove, cool, and…