It’s no big secret that Yoga is at the forefront of leading trends in the fitness industry, with more and more people of all ages and fitness levels continuing to make it part of their weekly fitness regime. And that’s the key, people of all ages and fitness levels. Yoga can and should be practiced by everyone! But WHY?
Yoga offers both flexibility and strength training, promoting long isometric holds and muscular endurance for the entire body and especially the core muscles. However, above all the chance to slow down a touch and link breath to movement aids not only reconnects us to our body but also greatly reduces stress, helps our digestion and sleep. Yoga will help athletes better their game and at the same time help those with arthritis increase their mobility and pain free days. Yoga is for EVERYONE.
Just like all elements of the fitness industry there are so many types and styles of yoga from power, hot yoga, gentle classes and also one on one. Just like you have probably tried many different ways to incorporate the right cardio workout for you, some love to dance, others like traditional power moves or cycling etc… It is also important to find the right style of Yoga that resonates with you and what you are trying to achieve in your practice. It also takes time to find the right teacher that you connect with. If you are still resisting your first class, or have only tried one or two without success, do yourself a favour: get back out there, take a chance and try something new. Isn’t that what we tell our clients all the time anyways.
Yoga Glossary:
Hatha – all physical yoga
Vinyasa – flowing yoga
Power – often a vinyasa style with intense holds and lots of flows
Hot Yoga – Traditionally 104°F + or try YogaFit Sweat 99°F
Yin Yoga – Poses held for 5min, aimed at deep stretches to ligaments and muscles
Restorative Yoga – Relaxation Poses held for 15min, meant to rest the nervous system.
Iyengar – Alignment based Hatha Yoga often with props
YogaFit – a Hatha based Vinyasa style of Yoga, focused on alignment and safety.