Why did you choose canfitpro?
Number One – because Can-Fit Pro is Canadian, and because it is well recognized and a highly credible organization.
What is your “why”. Why have you chosen this profession?
To help busy, moms with preteen to teenage kids unlock & unleash the crucial tools inside of them to become EMPOWERED without letting guilt, fears, or excuses stopping them from becoming the woman they are meant to be.
To no longer have the wanting and wishing existing because women are actually living it NOW! Standing tall with Self-confidence, loving their reflection when they look in the mirror, taking crucial “ME” time every day, shape-shifting their body, re-discovering that Gorgeous, SEXY YOU and transforming their mindset in order to make room for discovering the richness of their self- empowerment.
What gets you excited to work everyday?
i LOVE seeing moms – women – begin to transform their mindset and become this healthy, proud woman. To have them feel empowered and glowing with pride and self-confidence.
It’s something I can not put into words but to know I have helped them unlock their potential and transform into a women – a mom – they have only dreamt of wanting and never thinking they could, is an amazing transformation to see unfold.
What do you enjoy the most about what you do?
Having my own business allows me to use my own tools and self-education.
And…basically everything answered to the prior questions(s).
Is there another part of your story that you would like to share?
It’s about just being me, authentic and being my own brand allows me to do this. To shine with my beliefs and treating moms – women – with respect and seeing who they truly are deep down.
I’ve gone through a re-branding over the last two years and have really changed the way I relate to the Wellness, Health and Fitness World.
By doing this, I have been quoted in a few world-wide articles, have been seen as the go-to-expert by women, and in the New year, I will be interviewed for a few podcast and various professionals in the Health & Wellness industries.