Meet Kathryn McKenzie, canfitpro 2018 Personal Training Specialist of the Year Finalist
Tell us about your fitness career journey.
I started working in the health and fitness industry because I have always wanted to have a positive impact on the lives of others. My original plan was to become a physical education teacher. However, 10 years ago, I spun that into opening my own business, Surefire Fitness.
My goal is always to help inspire others to be the best version of themselves. In the future, I hope to incorporate more speaking engagements into my schedule so that I can meet and learn from more and more people about health and fitness around the world.
My biggest challenge is a constant battle with body image. I think I have this subconscious notion that a fitness professional should look a certain way and I don’t exactly fit that mold. I’ve had to learn to embrace that I am strong and capable. I think this helps me relate to others, because I’ve discovered that so many people also struggle with body image issues. I think this is so unfortunate and I really want to help people shift their
focus away from how they look so they can appreciate all the amazing things that they can do!
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
To be me.
I’ve picked up this advice from several sources. This message seems to have repeated itself over the years in several different forms, whether it be at conferences, workshops or just conversations with coaches and mentors.
Remembering this advice gives me the freedom to ‘just be’ without worrying about pleasing everyone else or keeping up with other’s ideas of what’s important.
Now that you have reached this point in your career, what piece of advice would you give your younger self?
I would definitely tell myself not to stress about the small things! I have a tendency to worry too much and looking back, everything has unfolded as it should and will continue to do so.
If you were to write a motto for yourself, what would it be?
Fun first!
It’s so simple, but I came up with this when I was in university and it has always stuck with me. I think it’s important to enjoy whatever it is that you’re doing or make the most of (and learn from!) the times that aren’t so great.
Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Fitness Professional of the Year award?
My mission has always been to help others and I think that winning this award could potentially help expand my reach so I could help even more people.
How do you know when you’re ‘done’ and ready for the next challenge?
That’s a funny question because I’m not sure I really ever feel like I am ‘done’ or ‘ready’! I prefer to think of projects as a constant evolution and that life events kind of build on each other. I try to see opportunities as they arise and manage unexpected events in the best way possible.
If I waited for myself to be done or ready, I would never actually start or finish anything!