Have you ever had to call in sick to work because of severe back pain? Or perhaps you missed a chance to play with your kids because the discomfort was too much? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Approximately 80% of adults have experienced backaches or lumbago at some point in their lives.
Can massage help with lower back pain? In this article, we’ll be exploring different lower back massage techniques and how to give yourself a massage for lower back pain at home, including how a massage chair can help.
Possible Reasons for Lower Back Pain
Lumbago is the general term for acute or chronic pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back. There are a number of reasons that may be causing you to experience lumbago. However, there are some risk factors that increase your chances of developing lower backaches. These include your age, weight, fitness level, genetics, mental health, an accident, the wrong chair or bed, and job-related factors.
The number one cause of backaches is a torn or pulled muscle or ligament in the lower back. These injuries can be caused by sudden movements such as a fall, lifting heavy objects, an extended period of poor posture, or sports injuries.
Chronic pain can be explained as aches lasting for more than three months and exceeding the body’s natural healing process. Chronic backaches can be caused by disk problems, joint issues, or irritated nerves. These chronic conditions include lumbar herniated disks, degenerative disk disease, and osteoarthritis.
Does Massage Help with Lower Back Pain?
There have been numerous studies conducted that cite massage as an effective treatment for this type of lower back pain. A specific study conducted at the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami concluded that massage, when done correctly, reduced pain, anxiety, depression, improved sleep, and increased the range of motion a subject experienced. The dopamine and serotonin levels recorded during the tests were also higher than the subjects from the control group. This study was done in 2001. Since then, more studies have been shown to corroborate the findings of this older study.
The type of massage determines what effects you may experience. Depending on the type you choose, it can help alleviate your agony or else provide other benefits. When deciding on a massage, make sure that you communicate your needs to the practitioner so they’re aware of your issues and guide you to choosing the appropriate therapy.
In addition, a massage chair for lower back pain mimics the styles of Shiatsu and Swedish massages and it has been shown to be effective at providing massage therapy for lower back pain. Investing in a good-quality massage chair for lower back pain can provide relief when you can’t routinely book treatments with a massage professional.
Benefits of Massage
Massage therapy provides many benefits for those suffering from pain that is both physical and also psychological. Regardless of whether you have chronic lumbago or a strained muscle from lifting a heavy box or sleeping on a new mattress, the benefits of a massage include:
- A reduction or complete elimination of pain
- Better blood circulation
- An improved range of motion
- Higher endorphin levels
- A reduction in lumbar pain and inflammation
- A reduction in recovery time
- Lower stress and anxiety levels
Warnings to Consider for Massages
There are certain situations or conditions where this type of therapy shouldn’t be considered, as it can worsen your already painful situation. First, consult with your doctor if you suffer from any of these conditions and are considering using massage for pain relief/reduction:
- Fractures or broken bones
- Any form of bleeding disorder
- Open wounds or burns
- Cancer
- Osteoporosis
- Pregnancy
- Other severe medical conditions
How To Perform a Back Pain Relief Massage at Home
Knowing how to massage lower back pain can reduce inflammation and help alleviate pain. Here are a few basic massage techniques you can do at home to help alleviate some of the discomforts you may be feeling.
Alternatively, you can also buy a massage chair. You may be wondering, do massage chairs help back pain? Massage chairs have been proven to provide some relief to pain experienced in your back. Make sure that you invest in a high-quality massage chair, such as one endorsed by the World Federation of Chiropractic.These chairs can help relieve aching muscles and inflammation, reduce stress and anxiety, and a multitude of other benefits.
Final Thoughts
Lumbago can be debilitating, and cause a lot of frustration and mental anxiety as well as the physical effects mentioned above. Medications might not always work, or you might choose not to take them for other reasons. Lower back massage therapy can do wonders to help alleviate your agony. Learning how to massage lower back pain can be a valuable skill if you or a loved one struggles with chronic lumbago. Lastly, investing in a massage chair for lower back aches can provide convenient, accessible relief and comfort when you’re struggling with chronic lower back pain.