Paul Chek is a name well known to many canfitpro members. For over 30 years he has been one of the most influential figures in the world of fitness education, and for nearly 20 of those years he has been presenting at canfitpro events. Over this time Paul has seen many fads and fitness gimmicks come and go, but his own innovative and ‘future proof’ system of holistic health, functional exercise and performance conditioning has withstood the test of time. When you consider that concepts Paul was teaching two decades ago are only now becoming mainstream among health and fitness professionals, you will realize that he is an indisputable thought-leader.

If you’ve had the opportunity to attend one of Paul’s live workshops or lectures, then you know that he doesn’t pull his punches! His presentations are deep and can change the direction of a person’s life or career in just 90 minutes. Paul brings that same level of passionate inquiry to his podcast, ‘Living 4D with Paul Chek’ where he converses with guests on topics ranging from fitness to philosophy.

As the CEO of the CHEK Institute, Gavin Jennings, says, “The content is very different than other podcasts, with Paul and his guests tackling provocative topics and providing thought-provoking commentary. Increasingly fitness professionals no longer want ‘fast food’, education, but are looking for a more integrated approach that will help them succeed with a wide range of clients.”
Movement is the topic of conversation in June and Paul is talking with some of the world’s top conditioning coaches.
- 4th June: Mike Salemi is an elite athlete who worked with Paul to overcome serious orthopaedic injury to achieve the Kettlebell ranking “Master of Sport” as well as becoming the 2017 WAKSC World Champion in the professional Long Cycle division. He talks about how top-level personal trainers and strength coaches must look outside the gym when working with all their clients
- 11th June: Ben Pakulski is an IFBB professional bodybuilder and winner of the 2008 Mr. Canada competition. He talks with Paul about the mental, emotional and spiritual challenges he has faced in his career as well as some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding bodybuilders.
- 18th June: Dale Walker is the Head Physiotherapy lecturer at Salford University in the UK, CrossFit judge and former British Army officer. Dale shares about how the SAS were one of the first military units to embrace the CHEK system in their training – they have been using it for almost 20 years now! – and how the British Army have incorporated the Primal Pattern® Movement System into their new fitness model with great success.
- 25th June: Greg Muller is a human performance and leadership training coach as well as a highly qualified CHEK Practitioner. He is the only strength coach in history to coach three of the world’s top rugby clubs to championship success. As a former Senior Instructor for the military, Greg was directly responsible for the training and recruitment of physical training instructors within the New Zealand Defence Force.
Living 4D with Paul Chek is available on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play and Spotify or visit