International Women’s Day 2018 is all about progressing gender parity (#PressforProgress). Here at canfitpro, we’re privileged to work with so many strong, influential women. In closing the gender gap, we believe that strong women never go out of style. In their own words, these wonderful women explain what it means to be strong and the advice they would give other women to become stronger, more successful and more resilient.
Alexia Henriques
“The most important trait a strong woman can have is confidence in her abilities, as well as the abilities of the females around her. In a time where societal issues are prevalent, and the momentum on women’s rights and consent are gaining speed, we must work together as a cohesive force of females. A team of women that empower and support each other in their endeavours is incomparable in strength to anything else. Acknowledging that we are powerful and worthy of our accomplishments will only enhance this.”
Dione Mason
“For me, being a strong woman is not a choice, but a responsibility.
I am strong because it is my duty to open doors for the unborn little black or brown girl who needs me to break glass ceilings, knock down walls and make a path for her as many strong women through the centuries have done for me.
I am strong because someone before me chose not to give up, persevere and understand that what they were fighting for was bigger then themselves. Therefore, I will be strong, even when I feel weak, to repay the blessings that have come to me.”
Kelly Thorne
“You are unique as a fingerprint no other person has the skills, experiences and personality you have. Use this to fuel your passion, your life path was designed to inspire others.”
Jully Black
“If you truly want to be an Empowered Woman, Empower a woman.”
Mo Hagan
“Strong women never go out of style. Instead they influence future generations of women—through sharing their stories of struggle and success and in leading by example— and in doing so, inspire women to believe in themselves and their purpose.”
Tosca Reno
“Womanhood encompasses the joy of bringing new life into the world, the bittersweet challenge of raising that little person against the canvas of life and standing strong in my beliefs to serve others to the highest and best of my ability. I have come through much and know that I am an example for my daughters, my grandchild, and those in my circle of influence. Therefore I show up every day, real, flawed, human and filled with hope that I may lead with purpose and courage.”
Helen Vanderburg
“With so many factors influencing our lives it can be difficult to see if your efforts are moving you in your desired path. As leaders I think it is important to remember that every action and inaction affects the world around us. In fact, influence is like a drop of water. It will ripple far beyond the initial drop. Far more than you will ever realize”.
Nathalie Lacombe
“Strength ultimately comes from authenticity. The most successful women are those who know their own strengths so that they can be the best of themselves, and create environments for others to do the same. Spend time getting to know yourself and be grateful for what makes you unique.”
Gillian Mandich
“Empowerment is understanding that you are the one who needs to tell yourself all of the things that you’ve waited your entire life to hear.”
Women Who Influence Event
For even more inspiration from Alexia, Dione, Kelly, Jully, Mo, Tosca and Gillian PLUS Emma Barry and Hannah Alper, we encourage you to attend our Women Who Influence Event at this year’s World Fitness Expo. Each woman will share her unique story and most valuable lessons and experiences which have led them to become the women of influence and change-makers they are today.
NEW THIS YEAR – Young Women Who Influence — Young women (ages 9 and older) are invited to register and attend with their mother, sister, guardian or girlfriend. These young women will enjoy the morning with the group, break away for a special ‘think tank’ luncheon and one-of-a-kind afternoon session with our Young Women Who Influence speakers and other special guests, and rejoin in for a special closing performance by Jully Black.
Full details and registration information can be found here: